Jean worked in the jewelry industry for 7 years. She studied Jewelry Fabrication and Metalsmithing at Brookhaven College in Dallas for 10 years. Jean went on to teach various Jewelry Workshops and Jewelry Fabrication at Brookhaven for 5 years. She has taught Jewelry Fabrication and Metalsmithing in the beautiful Texas Hill Country at the ART@MO Art Conference for 7 years.
Jean has studied under Jewelry Artist/Instructor Sue Gordon and other Jewelry Artists/Instructors such as Robyn Cornelius, Richard Salley, Jeff Fulkerson, Kim St. Jean, Francesca Watson, and Joni Kisro and has been fortunate to be chosen for art exhibitions at the Mary Tomas Gallery in Dallas, TX.
She loves to watch the creative process unfold in her students and is always amazed at their beautiful creations.
About Us
Located at
925 Iowa St. Suite K
in beautiful
Lawrence, KS
Solder and Stone Studio is a comfortable, fully equipped space to create beautiful jewelry. With smaller class sizes and experienced instructors, individualized attention is our primary goal. We are happy to have the opportunity to continue to teach/learn with many of you and we look forward to meeting lots of new folks as well!
As always, Solder and Stone Studio provides all the necessary tools but feel free to bring your own if you have them.