Tues. Aftrn. Intermediate Jewelry Class
3/4-4/22- 1-4PM In this 8 WEEK COURSE: Intermediate students will expand their jewelry making skills
Service Description
THIS CLASS IS LIMITED TO 8 STUDENTS AND WILL MEET ONCE A WEEK ON TUESDAY AFTERNOON FROM 1-4PM. In this 8 WEEK COURSE, Intermediate/advanced students will expand on their jewelry making by learning/using different techniques such as rolled texture, hydraulic press/dies, etc.). PLEASE NOTE: OPEN FLAME IS USED IN THIS CLASS. *All tools (pliers, saw frames, files, bench pins, mallets, etc.) and consumable supplies (sawblades, sanding and polishing supplies, flux, solder, gas, etc.) will be provided for an ANNUAL FEE OF $25 paid to the instructor at the start of the first class. This fee covers the entire calendar year. Feel free to contact me for more information.
Contact Details
925 Iowa Street suite k, Lawrence, KS, USA
+ 214-356-4204